Fun Sized

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 1.548.084 descargas (27 ayer)   Donationware

18 comentarios

Chloe5972  26/01/2015
Gorgeous 3D font
maximusmaximus  autor de Fun Sized   26/01/2015
monicnic  14/02/2015
hi, i love you 3D font funsized! i'd like to use it for commercial purpose (like on shirts/hoddies) to start a small business. is it okay or do i have to pay?
maximusmaximus  autor de Fun Sized   14/02/2015
I just send you a private message. Just E-mail if you have any questions.
ellery a  19/03/2015
u guys r so annoying
maximusmaximus  autor de Fun Sized   19/03/2015
incorrect  01/07/2015
this is a nice font. i'm downloading it!
maximusmaximus  autor de Fun Sized   01/07/2015
claire.redfield  05/08/2015
It's so cool!!!
yyuuii  16/08/2015
I loved it *-*
maximusmaximus  autor de Fun Sized   16/08/2015
Kewl - *-
Kyabetsu  11/01/2017
Is there a new version with modified punctuation?
maximusmaximus  autor de Fun Sized   12/01/2017
Not yet! Coming soon! Need Unlimited Commerical Use Licensing?
noxlumina  28/08/2017
I have FunSized and I'd like to use it in the children's book I'm writing and illustrating. Would that be considered commercial use? What would be involved?
BabiGoogle  25/06/2018
Thanks!!! O in italiano, Grazie!!!
Plakyzgamer  18/10/2018
can i use this for commercial use email me :
mrswolfie519  18/10/2019
Do I need to donate for non-profit use? I am wanting to make shirts for our church’s youth group using this font.
Imacouch1  09/05/2020
can i use this for a testing youtube channel?

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