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13 comentarios

Arialia  12/04/2011
Thanks a lot , very nice
megshio  21/01/2014
How much is this font for commercial use?
lesleyJane  19/10/2014
How much does it cost to use this font in a children's book?

felber45  02/03/2015
How much is this font for commercial use?
mjn  29/03/2015
Hi. I'm new here. Could you please clarify what "personal use" entails? I would like to use this font for an event poster, must I obtain a commercial license for this?
Please email me at

Thank you!  26/01/2016
I stay interested in this font for a commercial use!
somebody can help me?

my contact is:

A lot of thanks!
fleurdelys55  20/04/2016
I would like to use this font to have a clothing label made, do I have permission for that?
fleurdelys55  20/04/2016
forgot to leave my email address:
constance allard  06/06/2016
je souhaiterais me renseigner sur les conditions d'utilisation hors usage personnel, comment obtenir une licence et /ou pouvoir imprimer la police d'un pdf (ça ne passe pas...). Il est question de faire un cd pour la fête de l'ecole, qui sera vendu environ 2€ au profit de l'ecole...
Je vous remercie de vos réponses,
dmeyers503  01/03/2017
Just a heads up--Adobe Captivate 9 does not like this font. I couldn't get it to load until I removed it front my computer. I've had this happen with other fonts and I'm not sure why. If you use Captivate 9 and it stops loading after you install this font, delete it.
Cali22gal  05/03/2017
May I please use this font to make signs to sell? Thank you
patouche  27/05/2020
J'aimerai savoir si je peux m'en servir en broderie merci
FrancineS  26/03/2023
j'écris un roman
puis je utiliser cette police pour qq textos et lettres
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