Distant Stroke

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8 comentarios

LeTypoman  14/07/2015
Awesome job!! Keep up the great work!!
tulip80  29/07/2015
Simply wonderful!
how_min0  04/08/2015
I donated to get license.
Please check !
alextby  23/08/2015
I think it's my favourite calligraphy font now.
giye  06/02/2017
Gracias !!! :)
Julie Williford  19/06/2018
Absolutely beautiful, clean font!
guinaudeau a  15/11/2021
bonjour puis je utiliser votre typo en usage commercial svp?
Belinda1969  20/01/2022
Hi This font is very nice and I would like to use this voor a tiny business (1 pers) and her website and emails and mailings. Love to hear from you.

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