Anuncio de Dharma Type

Bebas Kai

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 2.234.209 descargas (428 ayer)   Dominio público / GPL / OFL - 2 ficheros

6 comentarios

hayleyjackson  09/07/2017
Hi there, love this font. I was wondering if I could please have your permission to use it for commercial use? I'm happy to donate if you'd like?
Thanks very much!
Ryoichi  autor de Bebas Kai   19/07/2017
Yes, free for commercial use.
iamjon  11/08/2017
My go-to font for just about almost everything.
grafixnz  02/09/2017
Hi there. What are the main differences between this and my fave Bebas Neue?
rianchochochiko  20/03/2018
great font..thank you so much
ichimichael  12/08/2019
awesome font, well done!

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