Austiebost Crazy Days

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4 comentarios

rocamaco  01/01/2013
Just a few days ago, I commented on Vanessa Bays' Scrap It Up font, I said it was the best doodle font of 2012, along with Kimberly Geswein's KG Only*Hope.

Now that 2012 is finished, let me say your font deserves be part of that couple to become my favorite trio of doodle fonts in 2012... ☺
Austiebost  autor de Austiebost Crazy Days   04/01/2013
Oh my gosh, thank you!!! That is the nicest thing anybody could have said--and you're my first comment EVER! I love Vanessa Bays' stuff (adorable!!) and I worked with Kimberly doing art (take a peek at the Janda fonts--she digitized my designs), so this is a big deal to me!
Printingonsea  14/10/2017
Hi, my daughter would like to use your font on some t-shirts she's designing. She may even try to sell them one day, but she's only 10, so just encouraging her creative side, is it possibly ok to use this for her clothing range?

Austiebost  autor de Austiebost Crazy Days   22/02/2018
Hi, Adam! I do not receive alerts when I receive a comment, darn it! :) I DO receive alerts when I receive a PM through DaFont, and you're always welcome to email me at :) :)

If your daughter is using the font on her t-shirts, GREAT! If she tries selling one, wait until she gets her first $5 profit and just PayPal me. :) My daughter just turned 11!

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