Anuncio de Pixel Sagas


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Dalelands à  de Pixel Sagas 
 82.142 descargas (16 ayer)   Gratis para uso personal - 8 ficheros
Dalelands Uncial.otf
Dalelands Uncial Italic.otf
Dalelands Uncial Bold.otf
Dalelands Uncial Bold Italic.otf
Dalelands Uncial Condensed.otf
Dalelands Uncial Condensed Italic.otf
Dalelands Uncial Condensed Bold.otf
Dalelands Uncial Condensed Bold Italic.otf
Nota del autor
Dalelands Uncial is a faux-Celtic typeface loosely based on some of the Forgotten Realm‘s guides from TSR, Inc. Includes full alphabet, numerals, extended punctuation, and Euro. Includes regular, bold, italic, bold-italic, and condensed weights.

Primera vez que se vio en DaFont: 23/07/2011 - Actualizada: 08/09/2014   Versión antigua

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