Hello you people.
My name is Abraham Plaza and I'm a Spanish graphic designer aspiring to dedicate my life fully to tupography. I begun experimenting on type long before I formally studied design, and even after finishing I still want to keep improving the technical and artistic quality of my work. Here I had several fonts with a 'donationware' license, and I hope I can, after many years, offer ann I've been doing this time on an independent website or even as a brand new foundry. I may soon find the time to ignite a spark and make every gear in my cotroll start moving.
As for the fonts I have here, any donation will be welcome and may help me in evolving as a type designer.
EVEN 1€ / $ / £ IS OK,
For fully operational commercial use of any of my fonts please donate 12€ (10£/14$) via PayPal.
» abrahamplapi(at)
Pro versions of this fonts and many more will hopefully be availabe quite soon ;)