
Eigener Beispieltext
Kakoulookiam von Fereydoun Rostam 
 18.888 Downloads (2 gestern)   100% Kostenlos - 2 Font-Dateien
Anmerkung des Autors
Developed with the help of Mr. Keyvan Mahmmoudi, from the University of Teheran, the glyphs are allocated over very convenient keys, but also works for Unicode. This font includes every known glyph for this ancient inscript. This is a free non-commercial font and should not be selled by any means. For more details on how to use the font, permissions or sugestions, contact me: fereydoun23@gmail.com

Zuerst auf DaFont erschienen: 01.06.2012 - Aktualisiert: 23.05.2015

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