Just Believe

Eigener Beispieltext
Just Believe von Katsia Jazwinska 
 139.149 Downloads (2 gestern)   3 Kommentare   Testversion - 4 Font-Dateien
Just Believe.ttf
Just Believe Caps.ttf
Anmerkung des Autors
"Just Believe" is a hand-made font, which comes with upper and lowercase characters, basic punctuation and numbers. You will get "Just Believe" font and "Just Believe Caps" in .ttf and .otf file formats.

Demo version! For personal or commercial use purchase it here https://creativemarket.com/Jazwinska/625434-Just-Believe-Hand-Written-Font

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Many thanks, Katsia Jazwinska

Zuerst auf DaFont erschienen: 28.07.2016

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