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5 posts


27.01.2013 um 05:08

These are probably similar to the previous ones I just posted but there are other fonts in here that weren't in the other photos.


Identifizierter Font

Didot  Vorgeschlagen von fmontpetit 

Vorgeschlagener Font

Avant Garde Gothic  Vorgeschlagen von fmontpetit 

27.01.2013 um 05:09

'GYPSY 05'
Identifizierter Font: Didot

27.01.2013 um 05:15

Do you know what the sans serif fonts are?

27.01.2013 um 05:20

I believe it's Avant Garde Gothic...
Vorgeschlagener Font: Avant Garde Gothic

27.01.2013 um 10:06

How are you so incredibly good at this lol. Thank you so much!

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