Okay I know for a FACT This hasto be a font. It's in this picture, It is in at least 4 videos I see on youtube and in my english Text book!!!
So please identify it! Thanks!
Okay! Thanks for Identifying it! The "A" Is DIFFERENT of if the A is part of something else, THANKS!
Bearbeitet 2 mal. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14.07.2012 um 12:08 von JessterAussy
Identifizierter Font
Aquiline Two Vorgeschlagen von koeiekat 
Aquiline Two has a lot of alternates. That A, which was the standard A in Aquiline 9One), sits both under the
breve and
Bearbeitet 2 mal. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 14.07.2012 um 15:32 von koeiekat
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