

4 posts

Choctaw County High School

16.07.2024 um 02:04

I know I've seen this before but my memory ain't what it used to be.

Choctaw County High School

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NCAA Michigan St Spartans  Vorgeschlagen von jerseygirl 

16.07.2024 um 05:51

jackinthebox sagte  

my memory ain't what it used to be.

I know just what you mean
Identifizierter Font: NCAA Michigan St Spartans

16.07.2024 um 06:40

Wow, thank you so much, jerseygirl, really appreciate it! I like your cat-at-the-window avatar. One of our cats likes to camp out observing the comings and goings of the other neighborhood critters when he's not outside himself.

16.07.2024 um 07:37

Yes, mine used to do that, too

you're welcome.

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