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11 posts

Need someone to change the letter "@" in the Kanit font-family

10.01.2023 um 13:55

Hi there,

I hope there is someone who can help me. I'm normally using Kanit as my main font.
But I'm a bit disappointed by the letter @ in that font family.

So I'm looking for a person, who can change it for me.
I have the new "@“ from another free font, so it's NOT a new font design I'm looking for.

It's the Light, Regular, Medium and Semi Bold, Let me know if you can do it, and the price for it.

Cheers mate

10.01.2023 um 17:02

Is it legal?

11.01.2023 um 10:11

Kanit is licensed under the Open Font License.
Regarding the other font (where the "@" is from), OP didn't specify anything.

11.01.2023 um 14:43

1) Neither the Font Software nor any of its individual components, in Original or Modified Versions, may be sold by itself.

11.01.2023 um 17:22

Hi, thanks for your replies.

First... If Kanit is under an open font license, will that mean, it's possible to make the change?

11.01.2023 um 18:35

misteradvizer sagte  
If Kanit is under an open font license, will that mean, it's possible to make the change?

Have a look here, under "License"

I'd also suggest reading the font license -- OFL.txt. What you can and can't do is pretty clearly spelled out there.

12.01.2023 um 12:18

As I started the treat by asking to change the @-letter in the font Kanit.

I'm asking if someone can change the @ to the @-letter in Coolvetica or Caviar Dreams fonts.
But I only need it in the Kanit Light, Regular, Medium, and Semibold. But it's important that the line of @ if the same size in it's stroke as the letters in the Kanit.

How much will it cost? Let me know. Thank you

12.01.2023 um 19:12

Le problème est ...

13.01.2023 um 13:30

@claudeserieux - English Please?

16.01.2023 um 13:44

misteradvizer sagte  
@claudeserieux - English Please?

Unfortunately, Claude only writes in French.

You are using Chrome and it only takes a right click to translate something written in a language you do not understand.

28.01.2023 um 05:46

@misteradvizer: 1. IF you determine that your modifications are within the terms of the relevant licences, and you can't find someone else to do them for you, you could consider doing them yourself with some font-editing software - I imagine it should be pretty easy to copy-paste characters from one font into another one in something like FontForge (which is free).
2. I think claudeserieux means to say "the problem is money"

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