

3 posts

WHAT FONT IS THIS? help please <3

05.06.2016 um 23:27

Can someone please tell me what font this is? There are a ton of that font used with pictures for quotes on tumblr and I can't just figure it out. Please, and thank you. I've been searching it for ages!

WHAT FONT IS THIS? help please <3

Bearbeitet am 05.06.2016 um 23:29 von pryceelah

Identifizierter Font

Arial Bold Italic  Vorgeschlagen von Tomás Silcher 

Vorgeschlagener Font

Helvetica Bold Oblique  Vorgeschlagen von sh4nty 

05.06.2016 um 23:36

present on phonto
Vorgeschlagener Font: Helvetica Bold Oblique

06.06.2016 um 09:41

Identifizierter Font: Arial Bold Italic

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