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3 posts

Does this font exist?? If yes, what is its name???

07.07.2014 um 09:05

Do you know the name of this font? I think that the sword isn't a letter, it's just a picture, but I'm not sure. Don't pay attention to it, just to the "The Young Eli_es" part.
I'd also like to know the name of the font used in the "Marie Lu", "New York Times", and "bestselling author of Legend" parts
Thank you!!

Does this font exist?? If yes, what is its name???

Bearbeitet 3 mal. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 08.07.2014 um 11:47 von PaulaMarina

Identifizierte Fonts

Mariamne  Vorgeschlagen von jerseygirl 
Bank Gothic  Vorgeschlagen von jerseygirl 

14.09.2014 um 18:44

Identifizierter Font: Bank Gothic

14.09.2014 um 18:49

Identifizierter Font: Mariamne

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