Sue Ellen Francisco

Eigener Beispieltext
 607.975 Downloads (10 gestern)   Kostenlos für privaten Gebrauch

17 Kommentare

bbgmurphyy  05.06.2007
i love this font bbyyyy
tapsumbong1  09.06.2007
is this font free, to use on a business card, that i would like to make??
stujackson  11.06.2007
Where can I buy this font?
nannapayne07  04.07.2007
its so cool
seewah  08.10.2007
love it! thanks so much! :)
x3hollisterxox  20.01.2008
cahh ute :)
fmoir  18.04.2008
is it possiable to buy this font?
ikura123  14.08.2008
Hello, how do I purchase this font for an indie band's album?
Micknick  21.09.2008
omg adorable
I love all ur fonts!!!
Bbfreeze  19.04.2009
It's so simple but i love it! =D
TraumaHound  24.12.2009
Beautiful in its simplicity. I used this for a digital Xmas card I sent out.
Galia  19.01.2010
How can I purchase a commercial license for this font?
taferz  17.04.2010
Hey, how can I do the (heart)?
EmmaLiz  17.09.2010
Very cool - legible and compact and still with a handwritten feel.
I download a bunch of your fonts.
I am deeply obsessed with your fonts.
But how can I make them work in SonyVegas Pro 8.0??
A reply or email would be great!
Keep up the good work!
My email is
isa0304  08.09.2012
Cool font, I ♥ it!! :)
Fran Directioner  02.03.2013
Thanks !!! this is Buscar

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