
Eigener Beispieltext
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5 Kommentare

KateTheGoodGirl300  14.01.2021
The font doesn't have the numbers "2", "5" and "9".
Please add them. They are just a Fontstruct logo.
KohanTheBarbarian  Autor von Rust   04.04.2021
Hi, Kate. I made this font so long ago, I dont have the files to update.


The Z is a 5, the S is a 2, and the Q is a 9.
KohanTheBarbarian  Autor von Rust   04.04.2021
whoops S=5 and Z=2***
KohanTheBarbarian  Autor von Rust   04.04.2021
If you type "1Z34S678Q" in the text preview it will read 1 thru 9
hakonjj  07.04.2021
Dear author,

I have taken the opportunity to put in the missing numbers and a few signs like &, - and /.

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