M Ponderosa

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 423.652 Downloads (132 gestern)   Kostenlos für privaten Gebrauch - 2 Font-Dateien

5 Kommentare

koeiekat  24.04.2014
Just a screendump of the Arial Black, some minor modifications and some dirt thrown over it. Very creative design! Design?
gwizsk  Autor von M Ponderosa   12.05.2014
@koeiekat damn, brotherman! you're still on my ball sack? why are you so worried about what i am doing? focus on your work.. i am 1,4 mill downloads and you're at? uhhhhh? 300k? fuck off and do you, dude! my nuts are sore from all your stalking already... but if you must - suck on!
gwizsk  Autor von M Ponderosa   12.05.2014
@koeoekat my balls are pretty saggy right now.. they could use a chin to rest on! lmao
jesus christ man
GabiSalinas  25.02.2023
⭐ • 2/25/23
Just a screendump of the Arial Black, some minor modifications and some dirt thrown over it. Very creative design! Design?
Don't bother getting this font at ALL! Get another font!

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