Justice League

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3 Kommentare

SpideRaY  Autor von Justice League   03.05.2017
This Fan-Font has just gone through a major update 3/5/2017 now at v2.007 now features both the latest JUSTICE LEAGUE movie glyph's on the CAPITALS and and the existing glyph's from v1.007 from the earlier Justice League of America comic from the 1970's. This Fan-Font is now spanning almost 50 years of JUSTICE.

I guess I'm putting a new font together are you in?
SpideRaY  Autor von Justice League   05.05.2017
jdcpriv  06.12.2022
Hello SpiderRaY commenting so i hope you get back to me about this front, as id like to use this for a little mockup on my clothing brand, could you please email me jdcpriv@gmail.com

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