Hawaii Lover
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23 Kommentare
I love it. Really nice :)
VERRRRYYY similar to loki cola font
Great font! It does work on Mac if you choose the 'install' function :)
That HawaiiLover copyright is MINE.
i love it but it dosent come in handy with windows movie maker. it's kinda bad but i still kinda like it.
does this work with a vista?
Yea this is Loki cola with some effects added...
@Herboros: That's because it is based on Loki Cola. It's the same font, just more dirty-looking. That's on purpose.
Andrew2 Autor von Hawaii Lover 16.09.2009
CocaCola ii to be exact, Don't know if there's a difference but I don't have Loki Cola.
similar to hawaii killer but i like the little flowers at the end !!
Dommage qu'on peut pas mettre notre nom
Nice font except for the capital "H" which gets blurry and pixelated when you try to enlarge it. Can you do an upgrade and fix that issue? The "H" is the worst. Anyone else have that problem???
Any news for an upgrade on the capital letters?? Thanks a lot.
Hey there, I would like to use this font on a company logo.
I can't seem to find any more information on the font other that 'Free for personal use', which for my purpose is outside of its terms/conditions.
Any further help on this matter?
Thank you.
waarom praat iedereen hier in het engels
P.S. gaaf disingn
Hey, I got this font and I think it's cute but the one thing that maybe you could fix is that the flowers don't really show up. Thanks for making this font!
I've downloaded this fonts zip file but when I open the zip, it only gives me one file and that's a ttf file. I'm on a MacBook Pro and running High Sierra. Can someone help me out?
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