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 531.376 Downloads (12 gestern)   100% Kostenlos

7 Kommentare

NikkiGirl8  19.08.2012
Thank you, nice font!
typodermic  Autor von Gnuolane   30.08.2012
EstherMotta  02.01.2013
I'm so in love with this font, it reminds me the old font of Parlophone Records, the one used in the 60's vinyls!
winty5  08.03.2013
I like your font! Nice retro feelings!
maxen  19.10.2017
I would like to use this font for a comercial use.
Please, contact me on:
vandraa  14.06.2021
hello! can i use this font for business logo and any other commercial purposes? thank you
typodermic  Autor von Gnuolane   14.06.2021
Yes, it's free to use for a logo and other commercial purposes. Details are included with the font.

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