Beyond Wonderland

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72 Kommentare

i love this font!
Tysgraphik  11.06.2009

I'm a creative Photoshop artist and I try to work as a web designer.
Your fonts are really amazing, and I would like to use it in commercial projects.
So, I wanted to know if it's possible to buy your "Beyond Wonderland" font...
I'm also interested by your "The Gingerbread House" and the "Cocaïne sans".
Could you please send me more informations about all this?

Thank you very much!
Tysgraphik  18.06.2009
I'm sorry, I forget to add my email, here it is:

Thank you so much!
panchux  02.08.2009
I want to use this font for a book, (comercial use)
and I want to know if this font is for free or what I have to do to use it?

this is my email thanks
SweetNora82  11.08.2009
I would like to use this font for the logo of a musical project. I would like to know how to get the license for it, how does it work?
My e-mail address is:
Thank you!
jbonato28  30.09.2009
Can I use this font for the titles in a small run book?

My e-mail address is:
TK 24601  06.11.2009
I'd like to use this font (a little tweaked) as a logo for a music artist whose graphics I'm doing. It won't be a huge big thing, but it may end up on iTunes eventually.
So I'd love to get permission for that. My email is
Thanks so much.
eaglenose25  08.12.2009
I'd like to use this font on Christmas cards that I will send out to friends but also to clients. Can I use this font for this purpose? Otherwise how can I buy it? My email address is:

Many thanks!
spitzzza  11.12.2009
I tried emailing you at your old email address about using this font for my company. I would love to discuss this with you further and tell you about my project. Please contact me at
NeilLegault  11.01.2010
Hi There. I'm creating a Photgraphy business and wanted to use the Beyond Wonderland font for my logo. Please contact me at
lormandela  05.02.2010
Hi Christopher,
"Beyond Wonderland" is an awesome font, and I am wondering where I can purchase it for use on the cover and inside of a novel I am in the process of having published. If you'd let me know that would be great!
L. Carroll
Hithwen  10.02.2010
Hi Christopher!

I am taking Graphic Design in College, and I was wondering if I could use your font for a poster contest project. If I win, it would be the poster and playbook cover for an annual music festival in my community. I would really love to purchase this font for use, it is perfect on my poster design. If you could contact me at asap, that would be a great help, and I will send you what my poster looks like as of now. Thanks so much!

CaroHansen  27.02.2010
Hey there, Christopher. Osiris Duarte from Colombia, working on a short movie and opening a new film-making company for which I used (as a prototype, for the logo of both the Company and the name of the short movie) your font Beyond Wonderland (The name of the company is "Reel by Real" but only the "REEL" part is written with your font). I'd like to make it official, so please contact me at in order to know what the procedure is. Thank you!
MRUziel  05.03.2010
I also would like to license this fantastic font for a small professional project. Please contact me at-

Really fantastic work!
plexus  16.03.2010
Hi Christopher,
I am a designer working in publishing. We would like to use this font in a book we are publishing. Please could you contact me at to discuss how we can go about this.
Many Thanks
Thimbletree  29.03.2010
Hi, Christopher,
Like so many other creative people, I love this font - it resonates with age and fantasy but also has the realness of slubby texture. I am opening a very small, one-person shop on Etsy to sell my handmade goods and am interested in using this font as part of my banner, business card, fabric labels, whatnot, if you would be amenable. Do you accept fees for commercial use? If yes, what do you charge?

Thank you so much! Jayne
Thimbletree  29.03.2010

First-time commentor -- didn't know it wouldn't include my addy! I can be reached at

Thanks again, Jayne
cmkosak  19.05.2010
Please message me about using this font for a business card and possibly a website. Just checking if it is free.

cmkosak  19.05.2010
busterboe  01.06.2010
I'd like to use 'Beyond Wonderland' for my title page in small run book. I can be reached at
evans-t  04.07.2010
Hey there;
I'd love to use this font on the advertising I'm makingfor local school play (of Alice in Wonderland, natch) and would love to use this font on the posters and in the soveneer booklet for the play.
Could you email at me at to discuss whether there's any fees for commercial use and how I could pay to use this font, etc.
ryan_l  18.10.2010
Hello Christopher, can you please email me regarding permission to use this font. Thank you. My email is

Thanks, Ryan
funstuff82  25.10.2010
Hi, We would love to use this font for a Museum school theatre program. Unfortunately we do not have the budget to purchase a licence. Any chance you would authorise permission for this use? Your immediate response would be much appreciated. Thanks.
NdPsrl  09.11.2010
Hi! A couple of questions. I'm having trouble to install this font on my pc. Is it because it's not a Mac?

secondly, I'd like to license this awesome font for a small professional project. Please contact me at-

Thanx a lot

you craft me up  16.11.2010
Hi I was wondering if you have a font like this available w/o all the background texture? I wanted to cut some vinyl for a craft project I am doing, and this is by far my favorite font, I just can't cut it with all the texture. Thanks for your time!
haythereitsivy  19.12.2010
Hi, I was interested in using this font in a novel I'm writing. I'm only sixteen, if I can't use it then I won't, but if it is at all possible, I'd really like to.

My email is :
lou789  28.01.2011
Hi love do you mind if i use/purchase this font for a band logo? If you could drop me a line at
mtndove  13.02.2011
Hi Christopher...looks like I have the same question as most other people. Am I able to use this font for our company's trademarked logo? Please let me know. Your work is really great stuff.

artaccents  15.02.2011
Can I get a license to use this font for images I create to for commercial use.
MyriamPowell  24.03.2011
Hi Christopher,
Is it possible to use this font on a banner for my Etsy shop? please let me know.
Thank you. Myriam
alexhathaway  29.04.2011
I would like to use this font for some free business cards that i am going to put on so like the may i use your font for that please alex
podumentary  06.05.2011
Hi, I'd like to the use this for my non-commercial website/podcast - although there's a chance it may become commercial in future.
I'm happy to donate.
Nice work - thanks!
kreati  23.05.2011
hi christopher,

my question is the same, like the others. can i use your font for a commercial book and how much does it cost?

thank you
mlees  01.06.2011
Hi Christoper,

I would like to request permission to use Beyond Wonderland font for an internal publication for Lifetouch. We would to know how we go about obtaining licensing to use your font. Thank you very much, Michelle Lees/Graphic Designer
EnchantedTresses  22.06.2011
Hi Christopher,

I was wondering how I may obtain your permission to use Beyond Wonderland for my arts and crafts logo. I love this design!
Thank you for your time.

Laura B.
tucany  25.08.2011
Dear Christopher,

this font is just amazing.
Is it possible to use it for a commercial layout for two prints?

kind regards
Barbara H., Vienna, Austria
Chuckun  31.08.2011
Hi Christopher,

Would it be possible to obtain your permission to use this font on a website I am creating? More details can be given on request, and would be more than willing to give credit to you on the website.

Please get back to me at:

thetaiwanai  13.09.2011
Hi Christopher,
I m right now prospecting for a font that will be used for a logo, so commercial use of it,
for a Castle in France with a few hotel rooms within
thanks in advance for the informations about cost, or possibility to make a lil advertising in those rooms against the rights to use ur font(s)
Angel_Princess  29.09.2011
Love the font. Thank you!
emmajg  11.10.2011
Hi Christopher,

You have created a beautiful (and popular!)font here.
Please could you let me know your terms of use for commercial projects? I'm hoping to use 'Beyond Wonderland' in a greeting card design. Many thanks, Emma
vincentjmur  05.01.2012
Hi Christopher
Like so many others, I love your font and would like your permission to use it for a published brochure. I'd love to hear from you and share more details with you.

kps.mclean  08.03.2012
Hi Christopher,

Apologies for bothering you with another commercial use question, I'd like to use this font and cocaine sans as I'm looking to start my own small, independent t-shirt business, and wondered what your policy/and the procedure for commercial use is?
Many Thanks, Love the work!
RuneLights  01.05.2012
Hi Christopher,

Any chance I can buy this font for use on my banner and branding? I'm a Leathercrafter who is launching a new business. I'd love to use parts of this font to create our text logo.

Thank you very much for your time.

~ Aurelius
HBeauchamp  04.05.2012
Hi Christopher,
Love Beyond Wonderland and like majority of all the other questions, I too would like to know how to go about purchasing the font for commercial use.
Please contact me at
Many thanks
mimizuku  14.08.2012
Hello Christopher

I would very much like to use this font for an artist collective that will be shown in Brisbane Australia in November this year. I would like to ask your permission to use this font and pay for its use. If I can use this font it will be used as the logo font for advertising the collective.

Please contact me here

Thank you for your time
Kind Regards

Amy Owers
Petee  19.09.2012
Hello Christopher
I am interested in using this font, and maybe some of your others, for commercial use. Please contact me with licensing info.
dzign247  27.09.2012
Good Morning Christopher,
We would like to use this font for our "Halloween Spooktacular" event. Please contact me:

Thank you
LukeJJones  01.10.2012
I am hoping to open a bookstore soon and I would like to use Beyond Wonderland for the font of our store's name. Could you please send me the information for what I need to do to use the font for commercial purposes? Thank you very much and Great Work!!

Please contact me at
lwiedmeier  08.11.2012

I'd love to use this font for my book. Please contact me at with licensing info.

Thanks in advance, Lisa
mricha17  08.11.2012
Hi, I was wondering if I would be able to possibly use this font in a hair salon logo design. Please contact me at I would love to be able to use it. Thank you!!!
agencyIso  29.11.2012
Hi Christopher,
I have an urgent request re usage of the font for a Christmas campaign online for our client. Please can you email if this is possible?

zp_munich  30.11.2012
Hello Christopher,

I would like to use your font "Beyond Wonderland" for a German book cover. Is it possible to use it for commercial purposes? Could you please contact me and give me more information? Thanks in advance, Hannes (
timromano41  06.12.2012
I would like to license this fantastic font for a small professional project. Please contact me at:

Really fantastic work!
AmyLee123  13.12.2012
I kinda want to use this font for a book cover.
I can't pay you or anything.. I'm not even 14.
I would like to use this for a book cover. If I just say that all rights to the font go to you, give you credit, and ext., is that okay? I'm sorry I can't do more! It's just a story..not like it will ever become official! And I'm also sorry I can't give you my email...Just contact me somehow through
Thanks for your time, even if you say no. :)
AmyLee123  13.12.2012
I meant my story will never become official, by the way. Sorry if that was confusing or something...
AmyLee123  13.12.2012
Actually, never mind with the whole thing..Sorry, I know I've wasted time here!
Rain Dog  18.02.2013
Hello Christopher,

I would like to use your font "Beyond Wonderland" for a band's name. Please contact me at :

Thanks !
Robert Engle  19.03.2013

My client in interested in your font Beyond Wonderland. Can you please send me pricing for 60 print users?

Robert Engle
Sugarpig&Squeeky  20.03.2013
I would love to use this font for my logo. please contact me with information about permissions or pricing (if any?)
Seventyfour  03.04.2013
Hi, I would like to use this font on a Backdrop on my clients stand at an exhibition. Could you please let me know if this is possible.

Thank You
jkyoutsey  04.04.2013
Very cool font.
Do you charge for commercial use?
pessues  12.04.2013
Hi, i really like your font and want to use it for a logo of a live screensaver that I've made for android devices. I'm gonna post it in Google play so I guess it counts as a commercial use. Please write me a email with your terms at
lucieverett  18.06.2013
I'd like to inquire about a commercial licence to use this font in a small run of books.
My email address is
Thank you,
carolineismagic  20.06.2013
Awesome fonts! Could you please send me info on using them on prints?
GeorgiegirlofRB  27.06.2013
Hi Christopher,
I'd like permission to use Beyond Wonderland for my website and logo. I'm more than happy to credit your work, linking it back to here or your website if you have one.
I'll be adjusting it slightly and using it as an image (because not everyone has it on their computer)... but it will still look a little similar. Please email me at jenny(at)artbyjenny(.)com(dot)au with your T&Cs and/or pricing if any.
Thanks heaps! Jenny
hilarystatts  06.07.2013
Hi Christopher,
Could you please message me or email to me your terms and conditions for use of this font on a promotional poster for a youth theatre production. Regards,
ChristopherHansen  Autor von Beyond Wonderland   11.07.2013
Hi everyone -
Thanks for all the interests and nice comments!
I made these fonts when i was around 16-17 years old, mainly over six month period, when i was visiting my mother in Australia, and being away from my friends in Denmark, thought it a fun hobby - especially because of all the positive feedback my fonts recieved, but as with so many other things, it pretty much lost interest and abandoned it, as other projects caught my attention. I apologize to everyone who has kindly tried to contact me because they wanted to use my fonts, but i as i stopped creating the fonts, i also stopped using the e-mail, so your e-mails havent been ignored, i just haven't seen them. Anyway, the reason i am writing this, is because i wanted to let everybody know that they are more than welcome to use these fonts commercially as they please, though i still won't mind getting my name credited for it if relevant, like books, films, or album covers, or whatever. Some people have commented that the zip files containing the font also contains a text, notifying that commercial usage of the fonts without permisson is not allowed - though i cannot completely recollect my exact written words, but this is of course to be ignored. I have absolutely no interest in making any kind of money on this. I just find pleasure in seeing my fonts being used every now and then. It is very flattering. I apologize for this long comment, but hope it presents an explanation to the many people who have tried to contact me. I wasn't even aware of them still being this popular as i haven't visited this website in over eight years. I only visited it recently to prove to my girlfriend that a certain hollywood motion picture had used a font i created in my teens, and even then, she wasn't completely convinced that it was i who had created them.

Thanks for all the interest, and for continueing to fonts!

cowboylife  17.09.2013
I would like to use Beyond Wonderland for a local project, Please email me at Thank you and awesome work!
GeorgiegirlofRB  23.09.2013
Thank you Christopher :)
mariadelsol  03.11.2013
wow !! lol , u gf need what u created more typography for what she believe u, i was wonder what was right because in
said is commercial used allowed ,Christopher Hansen, thanks so very much for coming here and tell is true, for share it for commercial use
Isaiahpaints  07.08.2020
Hello Mr. Christopher, I am an aspiring artist from the Philippines. I hope you're doing alright during these hard times. You have the best collection of fonts in the whole world, in my opinion, and was surprised to learn you didn’t continue. I want to ask permission to use this font (Beyond Wonderland) for a logo of a film company for my friend. We're both 20 years old and It's not at all a big company. She hasn't earned money from it yet but I personally think she might go places with it. We both agree that it's the perfect font and wondering how we might use it "commercially". Also, I really think that they did use your font for that movie poster. I hate that they didn’t write or acknowledge your work though. If people are seeking awesome fonts, I would definitely send them your way.

Looking forward to hearing back!

Thank you

- Isaiah
Isaiahpaints  07.08.2020
Hello, friends his fonts have updated licensing please check his more updated profile at


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