
Eigener Beispieltext
 181.609 Downloads (25 gestern)   100% Kostenlos - 2 Font-Dateien

5 Kommentare

basic277  04.06.2017
Your font is very simple and good !!! Can i use this font making CI???
Please answer my email : still277@naver.com
Please give me permission please ~~~
Annleiv  26.03.2019

I find your font really incredible, and I'd like to ask you if I can use this font for commercial purposes? Please, contact me at annleiv08@gmail.com

Thanks for your time!
Gyuca  17.09.2019

I like your font, I think it's very clean and easy to read.
Can I use this font for business card?
Please, contact me : kamaru84@hotmail.com

Thank you very much!
jesuzfuentes  06.03.2020
I like so much your font. Can I use to comercial purposes?Please, sen me a email to this direction: jesusfuentesfalcon@live.com

Thank you so much. My best wishes.
strin4  Autor von Ahellya   19.10.2020
NOTE: This font is free for commercial use. You don't need to ask =)

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