Aardvark Cafe

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7 Kommentare

agustinluisbou92  11.07.2008
Esta fuente se usó en un cartel publicitario de McDonald's que dice "Una dulce tentación".
agustinluisbou92  11.07.2008
Esta fuente es la de Hard Rock Café.
collado1953  27.04.2011
this is a cool font for a car magazine
Robert165  14.08.2011
I like that this has a slight italic curve but still has sufficient solid mass to look bold, masculine, etc. I plan on getting it for a tattoo, gentle, over my heart, to offset all the other tribal/masculine tat's I already have...
Robert165  14.08.2011
I like that this has a slight italic curve but still has sufficient solid mass to look bold, masculine, etc. I plan on getting it for a tattoo, gentle, over my heart, to offset all the other tribal/masculine tat's I already have...
haynesplace02  17.11.2017
How can you get the outline, like the Hard Rock Cafe logo! Is it possible?
Elidavididi  28.03.2024

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