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Bernadette à  von StereoType 
 1.720.093 Downloads (169 gestern)   10 Kommentare   Kostenlos für privaten Gebrauch
Anmerkung des Autors
Hello, and thank you for downloading this font.

This font is free for PERSONAL USE ONLY!

But if you want to get a commercial license, it’s available at:
The commercial version contains a wide set of alternate glyphes and contextual ligatures to create your own style! You’ll be also able to edit PDF files with the font embedded.

The complete version offers 80 alternate glyphs and ligature ! Will it be enough to create your very own style ?

I made it with love, so I hope you’ll love to use it !

Clement | StereoType

Zuerst auf DaFont erschienen: 16.12.2016

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