FREE DOWNLOAD FONT - The Creator cAmpoTYPe smcp font was a free font inspired by the "Channel 9", a student newspaper published by Student Senate Faculty of Engineering, Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia. Several editions of this newspaper had circulating among campus during the period of the 2000s. The logotype of newspaper consists of seven letters and one piece of number nine. It has inspired a whole style of the font appearance.
Infinite thanks to designer the logotype "Channel 9" as an inspiration: Arfan Doctrine (architecture engineer)
My thanks also conveyed to: M. Sapri Pamulu (The constructor titles channel 9), Anshar Rahman (the motto maker: Media terpandang meraih bintang, Media esteemed reach the star), Amril Taufiq Gobel (the editor channel 9) and all students of engineering faculties UNHAS who love this newspaper.
You can find archives of this newspaper back through search on the link:
Please use this font for personal purpose and do not modify with whatever reason.
Please find your another licence for complete version on the site related (myfonts dot com). Thank you.