Fairy Strange

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8 comentários

shawsharp  15/04/2013
Kaje  19/04/2013
I adore this font. My only complaint is the exclamation point. Without the point at the bottom, it just looks like a squiggle. Otherwise it's perfect in my eyes.
imagex  autor de Fairy Strange   19/04/2013
Don't understand what happened to that point, Kaje.
It'll be fixed in a few time.
Watch for that.
Chloe5972  24/04/2013
Fan-tas-tic !!! I love it !!
KC Fonts  01/05/2013
Wow, incroyable travail! Bravo!
MusicI'sLife  13/05/2013
Hi, I was thinking about using this font for my band logo. I saw that your account said contact you for commercial use.
cecielgo  30/08/2013
Can you tell me how much your fonts will cost for using it on a book cover.
Like to hear from you soon, thanx!
Ceciel (graphic designer)
zior81  11/02/2014
Nice font, Im interested in using your font for a project that has a short durability, please contact me as soon as possible or tell me what the next step would be to acquire the font.

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