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Posts di Heron2001

02/08/2018 alle 19:16  [risposta]  Dolphin Safe


Carattere suggerito: Caslon Antique

Not a perfect match. But, a good substitute if you condense it.

FYI - a free version can be found here:


Carattere suggerito: Steelplate Gothic

You are welcome. I see you saw what I did - a match. I don't know why it was changed to "suggested." Perhaps the weight of the lines? Anyway - glad I could help. Good luck with your project.


Carattere suggerito: Rolloglide

30/07/2018 alle 17:11  [risposta]  Please help identify this font.

Originally known as Albertus Bold. How sad they aren't making it anymore.

30/07/2018 alle 17:07  [risposta]  Baile da Gaiola

Carattere Identificato: Decalled Script

30/07/2018 alle 17:01  [risposta]  Help me! What font is? :(

This is probably a font that has gone through filters to distort it and encircle it around the image. If you are just looking for something similar try Nightmare Alley.


Carattere suggerito: Nightmare Alley

30/07/2018 alle 16:55  [risposta]  Please find this font!

Similar to

Carattere suggerito: Harlow

28/07/2018 alle 20:20  [risposta]  Help with font please and thanks

Nice find, fontica!

I don't think this is a font - the repeating letters are not matching up.

28/07/2018 alle 19:31  [risposta]  ayudame necesito esta font

Carattere Identificato: Eras

Carattere Identificato: Broadway

28/07/2018 alle 19:28  [risposta]  alec benjamin new song

This one: Alphabetized Cassette Tapes Classic.ttf

Carattere Identificato: Alphabetized Cassette Tapes

28/07/2018 alle 19:18  [risposta]  What font

Carattere Identificato: Devil Breeze

28/07/2018 alle 19:12  [risposta]  what this font in this pict?

Not sure where the caps came from but the rest is all Sunshine Poppy

Carattere Identificato: Sunshine Poppy

28/07/2018 alle 18:37  [risposta]  Need help finding this font

Pretty sure that Fiscal Preve was set in Neutraface.
You can fake it with Ethon:

Carattere suggerito: Neutraface 2

28/07/2018 alle 18:31  [risposta]  Muppets babies

It was probably custom made for Disney. If you want something similar try Chino Display

Carattere suggerito: Chino Display

28/07/2018 alle 18:26  [risposta]  Font

Carattere Identificato: Stars From Our Eyes

28/07/2018 alle 18:13  [risposta]  Help with font please and thanks

Not sure if it is a font. But you could write the J (or borrow and fix one up from another font) and then use Annisa for the "ones" - in other words - fake it!


Carattere suggerito: Annisa

tu truyen

Carattere Identificato: Fairview

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