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2 posts

Posts di harrytroeger

02/11/2020 alle 20:03  [risposta]  Databreach at

Hi marty666
Thanks for letting me know. I do not recall receiving an email about this incident.
I've changed my password yesterday just to be on the safe side.
I still like to encourage others to do the same IF they didn't know about the hack back in 2017.

marty666 ha detto  
Hi Harry,

The database was hacked in may 2017. You probably received an email about that back then, telling you about the hack and that you should change your password.

Password are encrypted in a more secure way since this hack.
It means that if you received a readable password, this password was set prior to 2017, and you never changed it since. At the time, passwords were encrypted using MD5.

You can read more about that here :

02/11/2020 alle 19:28  [post iniziale]  Databreach at

Hello everybody.
I received yesterday an email from a hacker that was able to figure out my login password. I'm not using this password anywhere else so it must come from the dafont server.
I'm encouraging you to change your password immediately! I've sent dafont an email but did NOT receive any statement yet what's going on.


Modificato su 02/11/2020 alle 20:31 da marty666

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