Pubblicità di BrawType


Posts di shxdxw

26/09/2020 alle 21:45  [risposta]  Font identify

I found the font!

Carattere Identificato: Pinky Cupid

24/09/2020 alle 20:08  [risposta]  Trợ giúp với phông chữ

Hello! As you can see, the second font on the right is in uppercase. The font is called semplicita.

Carattere suggerito: Semplicita

24/09/2020 alle 19:59  [risposta]  Font identify

Hey. This is not the same font, but is pretty similar.

Carattere suggerito: Slow Life

22/09/2020 alle 01:17  [risposta]  Font please!

No es la misma fuente, pero es muy similar.

Carattere suggerito: Buddy Champion

22/09/2020 alle 01:09  [post iniziale]  ¿Alguien sabe el nombre de esta fuente?

Hola, ¿Qué tal? Esta es la fuente, si picas al link podrás ver una previsualización. Puedes fijarte en la "Q" de tu captura y la "Q" de la fuente, así podrás ver que son la misma.

Carattere suggerito: Roboto  (Già suggerito qua)

I couldn't find the original source, but I did find a similar one. You can find it on your computer by default.

You can see a demonstration of the image in the following link:

Carattere suggerito: Baskerville Old Face

08/09/2020 alle 20:09  [risposta]  What font is?

gonfer00 ha detto  
shxdxw ha detto  
gonfer00 ha detto  
shxdxw ha detto  
No es la misma fuente, pero es una buena alternativa.


I understand that he's asking for the mathematical font.

Hello. He said " It's the font to Quantum Fracture".

I know, but since that is the name of a Youtube Channel and was in shadows, while the center of the image were mathematical equations, I understood that the question was about those.

Don't worry, it is not your fault, I got confused too.

08/09/2020 alle 19:40  [risposta]  HEELP

The "Welcome to my userpage” is Lemon Milk.

Carattere Identificato: Lemon Milk

Modificato su 08/09/2020 alle 22:35 da shxdxw

08/09/2020 alle 18:42  [risposta]  What font is?

gonfer00 ha detto  
shxdxw ha detto  
No es la misma fuente, pero es una buena alternativa.


I understand that he's asking for the mathematical font.

Hello. He said " It's the font to Quantum Fracture".

08/09/2020 alle 18:38  [risposta]  What font is?

No es la misma fuente, pero es una buena alternativa.

Carattere suggerito: Gobold

Hola a todos. Hice una consulta y encontré el nombre de la segunda fuente, saludos.

Carattere Identificato: Cupcake Pastry

Necesito ambas, las de "Contexto histórico" y "Valentina", ¿Podrían ayudarme?

Fuso orario: CEST. Ora sono le 23:21

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