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Posts di Yobo

03/06/2024 alle 03:11  [risposta]  vintage Sinbad font


27/04/2024 alle 16:45  [post iniziale]  vintage Sinbad font

Hello, does anyone know what font is used for the Sinbad title on this vintage 8mm film? Thank you!

05/03/2024 alle 17:00  [post iniziale]  Dosa font

12/01/2021 alle 21:00  [post iniziale]  Human Made

25/10/2020 alle 00:21  [post iniziale]  fake text

sorry for quality

12/10/2020 alle 00:11  [post iniziale]  gattaca

11/10/2020 alle 23:11  [post iniziale]  mojo font from miami vice 2006

11/10/2020 alle 22:17  [post iniziale]  miami vice (2006) font

27/06/2020 alle 20:51  [risposta]  Bathing Ape tshirt font


25/06/2020 alle 14:59  [post iniziale]  Bathing Ape tshirt font

03/02/2020 alle 00:42  [risposta]  Does anyone know what font this is?

Thanks W1ll!

10/01/2020 alle 21:52  [post iniziale]  Does anyone know what font this is?

24/11/2019 alle 23:05  [risposta]  Shadowkeep Font

It's Cromwell HPLHS. The O is modified though. You can see the fonts Bungie uses for destiny's UI and logos here:!page=styleguide

Carattere suggerito: Cromwell HPLHS

09/11/2019 alle 17:05  [risposta]  Aug shirt fonts

vrilandrov ha detto  
Another alternative for "STEYR" is Eurostile Extd Regular.


13/10/2019 alle 23:25  [post iniziale]  Aug shirt fonts

I’m trying to recreate this graphic, does anyone know what the three fonts are?

13/09/2019 alle 22:25  [risposta]  Old Mega Bloks Dragons font

jerseygirl ha detto  



13/09/2019 alle 04:16  [post iniziale]  Old Mega Bloks Dragons font

Hey all, I need help identifying a font used my Mega Bloks for their dragons line over a decade ago. I’ve included a second image here:

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