Pubblicità di Blackletter Studio


Posts di malvolio

12/11/2012 alle 22:23  [risposta]  Hi please need help asap :(

Carattere Identificato: Berlin Sans Bold

12/11/2012 alle 22:20  [risposta]  what font and where to get? :/

In my humble opinion, let's just leave her alone...she'll only start swearing.

Is that Kat language?

I never said I was insulted.

Indeed I have noticed...the Kat must have noticed, though, that I didn't design the cable systems?

12/11/2012 alle 21:02  [risposta]  anyone knows this font?

Koeiekat, you never stop, do you?

My name is malvolio, you must have not noticed yet. I feel bad for you.

I like your humor, SashiX.

12/11/2012 alle 20:26  [risposta]  Help!

No problem!

Sandy based outage. And thanks, pilaster, for the first time in the day, someone actually said "hi" and not "Gee, I wish you had died."

12/11/2012 alle 20:24  [risposta]  Kitchen


12/11/2012 alle 20:22  [risposta]  Help!

Carattere Identificato: Bank Gothic

12/11/2012 alle 19:37  [risposta]  please help


Carattere suggerito: Lithos

Modificato su 12/11/2012 alle 19:37 da malvolio

12/11/2012 alle 19:26  [risposta]  what font and where to get? :/

There's nothing wrong with my punctuation...

12/11/2012 alle 19:24  [risposta]  The R

Thank you very, very much!

12/11/2012 alle 19:24  [risposta]  PARKS London

Similar, but not quite. Be patient, someone's bound to identify it.

Carattere suggerito: Engravers

Modificato su 12/11/2012 alle 19:25 da drf_

12/11/2012 alle 19:22  [risposta]  what font and where to get? :/

OK, I think she got the message.

12/11/2012 alle 18:56  [post iniziale]  Kitchen

Carattere Identificato: American Typewriter

12/11/2012 alle 18:45  [post iniziale]  The R

Thanks in advance.

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