Pub de Spencer nintentofu Longtin


dans Bitmap (16 px) [aide]
 3 046 téléchargements    Gratuit pour un usage personnel
Note de l'auteur
*updated to version 1.3 on 9/17/13
fixed a few very minor kinks, one being the two V's were swapped to better match the hard and soft edges, minor changes to numericals 2 & 7. Lowercase m was fixed also cause of error. Please update to new version!

Blimpixels, an original pixel font by nintentofu

Blimpixels is a true-type pixel font featuring uppercase-style letters with a thick, sleek and pudgy look. Includes both hard-edge (capitals) and soft-edge (lowercase) versions.

open and 100% free to use for independent productions, artworks, games, etc.
please give credit, and contact for commercial use

blimpixels by nintentofu

Mise en ligne sur DaFont : 25/08/2013 - Mise à jour : 22/11/2013

Données personnelles  -  Contact
Liens :  On snot and fonts