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2 posts

Posts by LJ12345

May 15, 2017 at 20:42  [initial post]  Average donation amount

Hi Guys,
A lot of the fonts I like are requesting a donation if I would like to use it for commercial purposes? But what is an average amount? I don't want to be too cheeky, or too generous? The ones that ask for specific amounts seem to vary from 5 to 40?
Thank you in advance

Feb 18, 2017 at 15:42  [initial post]  How do Licenses work?


I'm new to all of this, so just want to make sure i do it right. So I know i need to get a commercial license, but is there 1 license that i can get that will cover all of the fonts? Or do i need individual licenses per font? How do i go about obtaining licenses? And roughly how much are they?

Thanks in advance

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