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2 posts

Posts by GCrusher

Jul 28, 2020 at 00:05  [reply]  I submitted my font and nothing...

I agree. The effort people put into creating a font deserves an explanation if the font isn’t approved.

Jul 24, 2020 at 06:38  [reply]  I submitted my font and nothing...

I also submitted a font and haven't heard anything. I was pretty excited as it was my first submission of a font. This is the message appearing once you submit your font.
"Thank you. Your font will be reviewed and you will receive an email if it's accepted, otherwise no email is sent."

> Can we have an email if the font isn't accepted to explain to the author why? I would imagine on several occasions if there is a problem it could be a simple fix.
> Is there a ballpark time in which it takes for the font to be reviewed? This information may save a users from asking as much as we are.

Thanks in advance.
BTW the font I submitted is: ASL Hands by Frank

- Frank

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