

2 posts

Its me again. With another link. Sorry & Ty.

Oct 21, 2016 at 20:06

Im sorry guys but i found something else - i have to share it with somebody...

Whats the issue here? In short -
This blog has copied my blogs content, in it's ENTIRITY- EXACTLY and in sequential order...

They flatter me - but it still pisses me off to be honest.

I like what I do or else I wouldn't do it, and I do try to make my simple FontCreator fonts the best that I can, as well as all my other creations, but I am surprised to see how often *someone else* thinks it is good enough to steal, plagarize or otherwise ride coattail of.

And again I am sorry. I am not looking for these things... As a matter of fact at this point I really hope I dont stumble onto them, "it cannot be helped."

Sigh. Ty. I had to get that out. 😒

Edited on Oct 24, 2016 at 10:12 by frd

Oct 22, 2016 at 12:50

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