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4 posts

Posts de epiclinez

13/07/2020 a las 16:30  [respuesta]  How to replace Read Me files

Thanks mate

13/07/2020 a las 05:56  [post initial]  How to replace Read Me files


I want to replace read me files on the zip files in every of my fonts.
I need to replace the old links in the files with a new one.
Is there a simple way way to to this?
Please Help


17/02/2020 a las 06:51  [respuesta]  Change User Name

Thank you so much,sir.

15/02/2020 a las 23:10  [post initial]  Change User Name

Hi, I need to change my user name from " epiclines studio" to " epiclinez ", so it will matches my store name in marketplaces.
Please can somebody help me.
Thank You

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